Monday, 23 November 2015

Review: Organic Virgin Coconut Oil by Coconoil

Who doesn't love Coconut Oil these days?

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Review: Lulu & Boo Chocolate Orange Cleansing Oil

Using an oil cleanser always feels like a naughty treat, and even though I use oils as part of my routine, cleansing with an oil makes me feel like I'm breaking the "beauty rules". Add in an oil that smells like chocolate orange and it feels decadent!

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Review: Mukti Organics Cleanser, Toner, Moisturiser

Mukti (pronounced mooktee) Organics is an Australian organic skincare brand which was founded in 2000. 

Friday, 9 October 2015

Reivew: Botanicals Mandarin & Chamomile Organic Hydrating Mist

During the Summer I found myself reaching for a lovely Organic Hydrating Mist from Botanicals*.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Review: De-Stress & Unwind Discovery Box

Naturisimo just keep knocking these beauty boxes* out! I think this is a much better way to get your subscription box because 1) It costs £9.95 including postage 2) You wont get hand cream after hand cream 3) Each box is themed 4) No monthly charge. As the boxes are released every 4-6 weeks, you can just pick which ones suit you (hint, all of them!).

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Review: Good Day Organic Beard Oil (AKA When your husband writes a better review than you)

Today I'm handing my blog over to Simon for a review...

Sunday, 20 September 2015

It's Been One Week Since The Gorgeously Green Gathering

Photo courtesy of All Natural Aspirations.
L-R: Caroline (Weleda), Olga (The Rose Tree), Rachael (Myroo), Rachel (All Natural Aspirations), Sarah (Sugarpuffish), Jen (Jen's Green Skincare), Elijah (Bodhi & Birch), Kim (Botanical Brands)

This post is more of a reflective one, as I'm sure there are plenty of blog posts around (I'll link them below) which have a thorough run down of the day itself so I hope you don't mind as I ramble a bit.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Interview with Wendy Stirling of Botanicals


Today I have the absolute pleasure in bringing you an interview with Wendy Stirling of Botanicals.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Gorgeously Green Gathering - Introduction to Facing The World

Folks - we are now just ONE WEEK away from Gorgeously Green Gathering! 

Friday, 4 September 2015

Organic Buko - The Original Sports Drink?

Organic Buko recently sent me some of their coconut water to try out and to give out to my Roller Derby Team (Wiltshire Roller Derby) after training sessions.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Review: Organic Surge Radiance Recovery Night Cream

A few months ago I was sent the Radiance Recovery Night Cream by Organic Surge* to try out.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Review: Vican SheaCo Body Cream and Moringa Seed Oil

I was recently contacted by AfiaAfia to see if I would be interested in sampling two of their products.

After looking through the lovely selection of body cream options (you can chose from Lavender, Cocoa & Mint or, Moringa Oil, Lemongrass Oil & Vitamin E) I picked the unscented Vicans Whipped SheaCo Body Cream*. 
My skin has been a bit unpredictable lately so I'm trying to keep my body products as simple as possible and what could be simpler than a blend of Coconut Oil, Shea Butter and Vitamin E Oil? 
This body butter is rich and as with most butters, a little goes a long way. It's been wonderful to use after I've had a bath to replenish the skin, it absorbs quickly and leaves a gorgeous scent behind, but I've also been using it on my hair. I take a small scoop (remember, a little goes a long way!) and warm it in my hands before massaging into my scalp and running the oil down to the ends of my hair. I usually tie it up and leave it on overnight before shampooing out in the morning. It works so well and gives me silky soft hair with less flyaways than usual. 

I also picked Vican Moringa Oil* and again, there were a few options to chose from - standard with just the Moringa Oil, with Lemongrass Oil or, with Peppermint Oil. I went with the standard for the same reason as I picked the unscented SheaCo.
To be honest, I hadn't really heard about Moringa Oil before so was interested to see how it would stand up to the other oils in my life. Moringa Oil is a vibrant yellow and like its fellow oils, has a grassy scent to it. This is another multi-use oil that has been rigorously tested over the last few weeks! Skin, hair, nails, cleanser, you name it! It's been loved and not just by me; Mr JGS has been using it as a beard oil/moisturiser and has been enjoying refreshed looking skin with a softer beard.

Have you tried Moringa Oil before?
Head over to AfiaAfia to take a look at their range!

*PR Samples. Affiliate links

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Cleanse & Polish Discovery Box from Naturisimo

Another month and another great box from Naturisimo! 

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Gorgeously Green Gathering - Bodhi & Birch - Hero Product

We're now just 7 weeks away from the big event and so in run up Sarah, Rachel and I have been doing some promotion on our blogs (how could you have missed it!) and today I'm sharing with you one of our speaker's 'Hero' Product.

In my interview with Bodhi & Birch founder Elijah Choo, I asked him what his best selling product was and his response....

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Naturisimo Travel Essentials Discovery Box

Naturisimo are really killing it with these Discovery Boxes lately!
The latest addition, the Travel Essentials Discovery Box* could not have come at a better time as I'm off on a mini break this weekend and now I don't have to think too carefully about packing!

Monday, 15 June 2015

Review: Skin & Tonic Gentle Scrub

I've had my eye on Skin & Tonic since they launched at the end of last year. I mean, the name alone had me intrigued (big G&T lover) and after having a look at the products and ingredients list, I knew it wouldn't be long before I tried something from them.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Gorgeously Green Gathering - TICKETS NOW ON SALE!

I won't bore you with too much of an intro as I know if you're reading this then you probably just wanna know how to get your hands on a ticket for Gorgeously Green Gathering!

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Gorgeously Green Gathering: Meet The Brands - Weleda

Welcome back for the final of our Meet The Brand posts; a series which helps you learn more about the brands speaking at the Gorgeously Green Gathering.
So far we have spoken to our two sponsors - Rachel has introduced us to Kim from Botanical Brands and Sarah presented Olga from The Rose Tree. We've also spoken to Bodhi & Birch, and Myroo as part of the run up to ticket sales.

Monday, 11 May 2015

Kiss & Make-Up Discovery Box from Naturisimo

I feel really guilty posting about something that has pretty much been out of stock since it launched last week BUT it's not hard to see why it flew off the shelves.

Naturisimo are really nailing it at the moment with their Discovery Boxes and this one, titled Kiss & Make Up*, is another winner.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Gorgeously Green Gathering: Meet The Brands - Bodhi & Birch

Welcome back for another of our Meet The Brand posts; a series which helps you learn more about the brands speaking at the Gorgeously Green Gathering.
So far we have spoken to our two sponsors - Rachel has introduced us to Kim from Botanical Brands and Sarah presented Olga from The Rose Tree.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Reciew: Mary Elizabeth Natural Skincare

I was recently sent a couple of lovely products from British brand Mary Elizabeth.
Mary Elizabeth is powered by a Mother Daughter duo, Cecilia and Claire, and was created after Cecilia was diagnosed with skin cancer in 2010. 
They sell a small, but perfectly formed (and award winning!) range of multi-purpose products with the aim "to simplify the skincare regime of busy women who live a healthy lifestyle...".

Monday, 4 May 2015

Review: Bloom Remedies Deep Release Range

I recently treated myself to a little pre-birthday gift from Bloom Remedies as I'd had my eye on Marie's Deep Release aromatherapy blends for a while but had a bit of a stash so didn't want to buy until I'd finished what I had. Mid-March I finally finished my bath stash and I was on the Bloom Remedies website quick sharp.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Review: Marmozel - Handmade in Lithuania

Back at the end of February, an email landed in my inbox all the way from Lithuania. I was intrigued and amazed to learn about Marmozel, a small brand producing hand made natural, fresh skincare and perfumes. I was offered the chance to pick a couple of products from their range to review but when the parcel arrived, I received so much more!

Monday, 13 April 2015

Mini Review: Benecos Vegan Eyeshadow Quad and Mascara

I recently won a giveaway hosted by Rach from All Natural Aspirations for two products from Benecos's new Vegan natural make up range. I was really excited as I was going to buy the eyeshadow quad anyway so I'd saved myself some ££!

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Gorgeously Green Gathering - The Announcement You've Been Waiting For!

I'm about to reveal the full details on the Gorgeously Green Gathering so roll up, roll up this is the news you've all been waiting for!

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Review: Fresh Therapies Nail Elixir

This little beauty could not have arrived at a better time, my nails were suffering with the Winter Blues and to be honest, I'd been neglecting them.  

Fresh Therapies have become a Green Beauty staple with their Natural Nail Polish Remover (you can read my review of it here) and over the last year, have released their brilliant nail polish remover as a wipe, making them the perfect choice when travelling. 

Monday, 6 April 2015

Wellbeing: Gratitude #2

My first Gratitude post went down so well - thank you to everyone who commented and got in touch with me!

Over the last month, I've been grateful for:
Making the team!
Feeling spoilt on my Birthday
A good book
Rolling down hills and laughing, laughing, laughing

What have you been grateful for this last month?

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Naturisimo Wellness 'Inside Out' Discovery Box

Photo courtesy of Naturisimo

I have to admit that I do miss my subscription boxes so whenever I see a box that's full of lovely things for a reasonable price then I'm going to be interested and want to give it a try.

Naturisimo have done such a thing with their Wellness 'Inside Out' Discovery Box*. Inside a reusable box is a selection of six products to promote health and wellness from... you guessed it... the Inside Out.

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Review: Pink & Green Organic Skincare

It's not very often that I keep strictly to a routine from the same brand but I thought for the sake of this review, I'd ditch everything and stick to three products, a cleansing oil, toner and facial oil from Pink & Green*.

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Review: Viridian Nutrition Suppliments for Sports

This is really a post for a different time BUT I'll start with a little intro.
In the last year I've lost 5 stone. I've developed a whole new relationship with my body. I've fallen in love with exercise and that horrid, gross, red-faced but satisfied feeling when I've achieved something that I wouldn't have been able to a year ago.

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Mini Review: Fushi Organic Hydrating Lip Balm

We all love a good lip balm - the super light day ones to the thick, paste-like night ones. There are soooo many to choose from that I have to control myself sometimes or I just end up opening and half using about 10 different ones at any time! But I take comfort in the fact that it's not just me that does this.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Review: Green People Age Defy DD Cream

Green People, Age Defy, DD Cream

Today I'm reviewing a new addition to the Green People range - the UK's first certified Organic DD Cream*. 
A lightweight  Daily Defence tinted moisturiser that fights blemishes, has an SPF 15 to defend the skin, colour corrects AND has anti-ageing actions. Basically I had to give it a go and was so quick when replying to Naturisimo that I think I gave them whiplash.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Wellbeing: Gratitude #1

I've been inspired by Liz from Well Meaning Being's Weekly Gratitude series and I think this would be a perfect way for me to take a few moments out of my busy schedule to reflect and really appreciate what I have.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Review: Rossi Skincare

I came across Rossi Skincare on Twitter - wonderful Twitter!- and was very kindly sent a couple of products to review.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Gorgeously Green Gathering

After a couple of weeks of crafty tweets and the start of the #gorgeouslygreengathering hashtag, it may not surprise some of you to learn that Sarah (Sugarpuffish), Rach (All Natural Aspirations) and I are looking to organise an event in September but... we need your input!

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Review: The Rose Tree Carrot & Mango Cleansing Butter

The Rose Tree are a small boutique brand that offer Organic Luxury that cover skincare, body care and luxury candles too (Rose Tree No.5 - swoon). With very clear and honest information on ingredients, you can trust that what you are using has a purpose - all killa no filla, if you like.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Review: Jurlique Rosewater Balancing Mist

Jurlique Rosewater Balancing Mist* is a bit of a multi-purpose product; it can be used as a toner after cleansing but also as a top up during the day. The spray pump provides a brilliant mist and yes, I mean mist and not squirt-you-in-the-eye spray like some can do!

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Review: Narynda Skincare

"Narynda Kumar is no ordinary Grandmother..."

I love this introduction into Narynda's story about how she came to develop her own skincare range. It sounds like she's a superhero that tickled me.
You can read more about her story here but the short version is that she took a more holistic approach to her diagnosis of stress-related dermatitis and Narynda Skincare was born.

I was sent a couple of products to try out, a Cleanser* RRP £12 for 100ml and a Toner* RRP £12.50 for 100ml.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Review: Couleur Caramel Cosmetics

Couleur Caramel popped up on my Twitter feed at the beginning of the year  - a natural, mineral and certified organic make-up brand that originates in Paris.

Photo courtesy of Beauty Well

I was sent a few items to review thanks to the UK distributors, Beauty Well.
A Multitouch Concealer Pencil in no.21 (Light Beige)* RRP £15.50 This couldn't have come at a better time to be honest - I had a bit of a hormonal break out a couple of weeks into January which meant this got a good amount of testing! The colour is a good match for my pale wintery skin but I don't think it would work during the Spring/Summer as I tan fairly easily. The pencil is smooth and easy to blend and covers a multitude of sins.
Photo courtesy of Beauty Well

A Lip Gloss no.808 in Pearly CoralRRP £16 I like to call this my browny, peachy colour with a hint of shimmer gloss. I'd not really ventured into lip glosses before as I've had long hair most of my adult life and girls, we all know what happens when the wind turns when you have gloss on!
Anyway, now I've had my locks well and truly chopped off and my hair can't reach my lips I was pleased to give one a go! The applicator is easy to use, it spreads the gloss evenly without having to re-apply too many times or end up with half a sticky mouth. I keep referring to glosses as sticky but it wasn't - high shine yes, tacky feeling no. I was surprised by how much I liked wearing it.
One major thing I want to point out is that on top of the dubious "parfum"it may contain carmine. I did email Beauty Well as it is listed after "May Contain" and asked if they could clarify for me; turns out it does so heads up to everyone really.

Photo courtesy of Beauty Well

Lastly, I was sent a Lip Pencil in no.134 in Caramel* RRP £10.50 This lip pencil is actually a perfect shade for me. I've been looking at getting a lip pencil as I'm wearing lipsticks more than I ever have done and have found that my lips definitely needed a barrier to prevent 'bleeding'. The pencil is a little hard to start off with so I often find I warm it up a bit on my hand before applying. It blends well with my natural colouring which means I can use it with all my lippies.

While I liked everything, I was disappointed by the carmine in the lip gloss and that soured my feelings a bit. I think that a brand promoting natural, mineral and organic make up should look to cut out ingredients like carmine and look for natural alternatives.
What does work in their favour for me is that they are EcoCert approved and all packaging is recycled and a lot of it (including the lip gloss) is recyclable. Big plus in my book.

Have you heard of Couleur Caramel before? 

*PR Samples

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Mini Review: Botanicals Organic Body Wash Lemongrass & Mandarin

I was recently sent a 50ml sample of Botanicals Organic Body Wash in Lemongrass & Mandarin* and yay! because I had it on my wishlist as it sounded right up my street.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Review: Viridian Nutrition - Qi-Ribose

Viridian, Qi-Ribose, Jens Green Skincare
Viridian Nutrition is a brand that I love for supplements. I've been taking their High-Five Multivitamin & Mineral tablets for years and buy their raw organic Coconut Oil too.
More recently, I've been using their Ultimate Beauty Oil and Ultimate Beauty Complex thanks to their contribution to the Reading Green Beauty Meet up.

On Instagram

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