Monday, 4 May 2015

Review: Bloom Remedies Deep Release Range

I recently treated myself to a little pre-birthday gift from Bloom Remedies as I'd had my eye on Marie's Deep Release aromatherapy blends for a while but had a bit of a stash so didn't want to buy until I'd finished what I had. Mid-March I finally finished my bath stash and I was on the Bloom Remedies website quick sharp.
"Our Deep Release range of products contain oils that warm and release the body - particularly useful for congestion, detoxification and muscular aches and pains. The oil blends are also uplifting and warming for the mind, and include Ginger, Lemongrass, Lime, Bergamot, Rosemary & Cypress"

I faffed around for ages deciding which products to get but settled on the Deep Release Bath Salts RRP £13 for 200g and the Deep Release Body Oil RRP £8.50 for 50ml. Marie very kindly added the Deep Release Bath Oil* RRP £8.50 for 50ml to my order - Thanks Marie!

I get a lot of aches and pains, an occupational hazard when it comes to contact sports, so need something that it going to give me both instant relief and something that is going to help me muscles the day after.

I usually ease myself into a hot bath after particularly challenging training sessions and have loved using both the Deep Release Bath Salts and the Deep Release Bath Oil*. I wouldn't say that there was a huge difference in the two - the blend of essential oils are the same in both and are fantastic for relieving tension both in my body and in my mind. The main difference would be that the Bath Salts have skin softening Dead Sea Salts and ache relieving Epsom Salts, plus I love scooping the salts out and watching them dissolve into the bath water. It just adds another layer of calm! I think choosing between the two would just come down to personal preference. Marie also makes a Deep Release Bath Melt, which I imagine will make your skin feel silky soft.

Now onto the Deep Release Body Oil. Boy, this stuff is magic. And powerful. You only need a small amount and I only ever use it topically as it really does pack a punch. I apply to areas that have the most damage after my bath and then again in the morning. The therapeutic properties work well warm those deep muscles for a good few hours, leaving me able to carry on without too much whining.

Marie, you are a wizard at blending and you've found a repeat customer in of me. Thank you for assisting my body to heal!

Guys, go check out everything Marie makes over at Bloom Remedies.

*Product was kindly added to my order.


  1. I just used these up and I loved the blend of essential oils, like you said they are powerful but work very well indeed. I will be buying more Xx

    1. I saw that you had reviewed them and loved them too :) Like you, I'll buy more when I have used up what I have! x

  2. Sounds like something I need after my long runs x

    1. Karen, they'd be perfect for after long runs! Get some! x

  3. Marie is a genius! Her blends are always spot on!
    Rach xx

    1. I must, must get around to picking up some of her slumber pillow mist X

  4. I love Marie's products! Her scrubs are lovely and I've really been enjoying the body oil we got in the goody bag from the Reading meet up too! x

    1. Ah, I haven't tried the scrubs! Will have to rectify that haha X

  5. The body oil sounds fantastic! Must go browse x

  6. These sound lovely; I'd love to try the bath melt! And the scrubs. xxx - natural beauty, affordable fashion, everyday life


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