Friday, 12 February 2016

Review: Living Nature Liquid Foundation

Today I'm going to try and review a foundation for you.
It's not something I've done before so I'm a little anxious. Getting the right shade foundation is a pain in the butt - I'm pale with pink and yellow undertones and then I have wonderfully red cheeks.
Because of the nightmare that is foundation hunting, I usually stick with BB creams that have some pigmentation but not enough to have to worry about looking too pale or too orange.

Sometimes though, I need foundation. If I'm going out and want to dress up, I want flawless skin and a BB cream doesn't always cut it.

I've seen a few good reviews of the Living Nature foundation so was happy to have the opportunity to review the liquid foundation in Pure Sand*.
I'd been bouncing between picking Pure Sand and Pure Taupe but ultimately went for Pure Sand as it's a light shade with pink/yellow tones. Perfect.

I wasn't really sure what to expect as I had never used a liquid foundation before but I was pleasantly surprised with the consistency. I was expecting to have to use a foundation brush but I found that I put too much product on when I did and it was just too much coverage for my liking. Instead, I prefer using my fingers which is probably a terrible thing to admit to but there we have it; I feel that I can control the liquid better this way.

The liquid is fairly runny but it is still easy to work with and blend in. As for longevity, to be honest I've only been wearing it for evenings out, 4-5 hours at a time, and whilst it still provides a great base, I not in a position to be able to tell you that it would last a full day.
It does a good job evening out my skin tone and covering blemishes without completely washing out my naturally rosie cheeks.

Houses in a sleek frosted glass jar with a black pump, I'll also give it points for appearance and ease of use.

One thing I will say is that I can't always wear the foundation - it has a tendency to cling to dry patches and therefore leaves a rather scaly texture behind. My dry patches are cyclical so I know when I can/can't use it. Even when exfoliating and using a heavier moisturiser, it didn't help me. To be fair though, I don't use BB creams during this time either as the same thing happens.

Which foundation do you use? 

You can buy the Living Nature Liquid Foundation from Botanical Brands for £28 by clicking here. There also have a good variety of shades so do take a look!

*PR sample


  1. Great review Jen. I'm tempted with this foundation but I also had my eye on their tinted moisturiser, I wonder if that would be better for the dry patches?

    1. Thanks Sarah :) I had a sample of the tinted fluid but can't remember how my skin reacted to it as it was some time ago!

  2. Yay the colour worked for you then!


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