Thursday, 12 March 2015

Wellbeing: Gratitude #1

I've been inspired by Liz from Well Meaning Being's Weekly Gratitude series and I think this would be a perfect way for me to take a few moments out of my busy schedule to reflect and really appreciate what I have.

I've been wanting to bring something new to my blog for a while and realised that what I love about some of the blogs I read is a more personal touch. I like getting to know a person so I hope that by introducing this series into the blog will give you a bit of a peek into my life.

Recently I've been grateful for:
Digging in and getting a personal best at training
GB winning their round of the Davis Cup
Having the energy to paint my nails
A Sunday evening walk
The incredible generosity shown by some
A perfectly cooked jacket potato
A sweaty run on a beautiful day
A floral arrangement designed by my talented Mum

I'm going to aim to do this once a month so I look forward to seeing what the next month brings!


  1. Lovely post and those flowers are just lovely, your Mum did a great job! I think I'll start something like this too, I love reading more personal posts too and feel my blog is lacking that a little. Also, its great to reflect back and realise how many good things we actually have in life :)

  2. Love this! One of my goals this year is to practice more gratitude, but sometimes I just don't know how to go about it properly. Making a list like this is awesome! x

  3. Great list! I used to do this when I was younger and going through a crappy patch and it was always good to look back and see how I'd done. Gorgeous flowers :) ~ look forward to your next gratitude post x

  4. Lovely post Jen. Look forward to the next one :)

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  6. What a lovely idea. It makes you realise how many positive things have actually happened and been achieved in just one day, what a lift. Those flowers are beautiful x


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