Sunday, 1 March 2015

Gorgeously Green Gathering

After a couple of weeks of crafty tweets and the start of the #gorgeouslygreengathering hashtag, it may not surprise some of you to learn that Sarah (Sugarpuffish), Rach (All Natural Aspirations) and I are looking to organise an event in September but... we need your input!

We would like to organise a day of networking and talks from four Natural & Organic brands and invite you, the wonderful Green Blogger Community to attend. We are also keen to extend that invite to the wider community, all we ask is that you have an interest in Green Living.

Now we’re not millionaires (although a girl can dream, right?) and room hire doesn't come free (unless you have a suggestion for us?). So far we have had a few quotes which vary greatly in price depending on the facilities on offer and providing attendees refreshments and/or lunch buffet.

We have to sell tickets to cover these costs and we need 35 people to attend to keep this expense as low as possible. I must stress we will not be taking a cut of the proceeds and any left over money will be donated to a local charity.

Sarah, Rach and I are going to hijack this evenings #greenchat (8-9pm) so we will be around to answer any questions you may have. 
We'll also be using the hashtag #gorgeouslygreengathering over the coming months and if you aren't already, please follow us @jensgreenskin @sugarpuffish @AllNaturalRach.

In the meantime it would help us greatly if you could register your interest in the comment section below and provide your email address so we can keep in touch. We’d also love for you to complete our survey by clicking HERE.

If any brands are reading this (or venues in Swindon?) and would like to work with us on this event, please get in touch.

So, are you excited yet?!


  1. Yes! Look forward to hearing more on #greenchat :) x

    1. Oh, and yes please add me to the list - x

  2. Definitely interested Jen and happy to help you guys out if you need anything :) My email is

  3. wow, unfortunately i live in Canada :( boohoos

  4. What an amazing idea, you guys are so awesome ;D

  5. Please could you add me to the updates list Jen? As if I'm down south by that time I'll scurry along :) My email is:
    Also regarding the room hire: have you tried a sponsor? An eco brand sponsor could help fund the room price and in return maybe you could put their logo on your gathering's branding and/or they could have a little stall at the entrance to the gathering? Just a suggestion, as I know rooms can be crazy prices!
    Leanne x


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