Thursday, 28 August 2014

The Starting Over Tag

I was tagged by Rach of All Natural Aspirations to come up with my own Starting Over list. The idea of The Starting Over tag is to imagine that all of your cosmetic and personal care items are gone (lost, stolen, whatever) and you can replace/repurchase only 16 of them... which would you choose?

Monday, 25 August 2014

Review: Balance Me BB Cream with SPF25

My review this month for the online natural beauty shop MyPure, is the BalanceMe BB Natural Perfection with SF25 cream with a colour tint*.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Wedding make up

If you follow me on Twitter, you'll have noticed I've been very distant lately due to a pretty big event happening on Friday 22nd August. My sister is getting married!

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Review: bodhi & birch Lime Blossom Protecting Hand Serum

Back at the beginning of May, one of my favourite natural brands, bodhi, went through a re-branding to bodhi & birch. With the new name came a lovely new website, a huge sale and the launch of the Lime Blossom Protecting Hand Serum.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Review: Heartwood Candle Company

 I've long had my eye on Heartwood Candle Co and Laura very kindly offered to send me one that had been on my wishlist a few months ago - Rosemary, Lemon & Frankincense*.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Review: Kadalys Nutritive Oil

A little while ago, A Beautiful World asked people on Twitter to tweet them an item from their wish list and maybe, just maybe, someone's dreams would come true.
Guess what? I won! Thanks ABW!
I'd picked something that I'd had my eye on for a while, the Nutritive Oil* from Kadalys RRP £26 for 50ml.

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