Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Review: Kadalys Nutritive Oil

A little while ago, A Beautiful World asked people on Twitter to tweet them an item from their wish list and maybe, just maybe, someone's dreams would come true.
Guess what? I won! Thanks ABW!
I'd picked something that I'd had my eye on for a while, the Nutritive Oil* from Kadalys RRP £26 for 50ml.

The last few months have meant I've been moisturising with oils rather than creams or lotions as I've felt that even the lightest lotions have been too rich for my skin. The Nutritive Oil stood out because its a dry oil and would therefore (hopefully, thought I) absorb in no time. I had high hopes.

Onto my review. I love it. The end.

Seriously though, lets start with the basics - ingredients. Green banana, avocado, green tea, jojoba and sunflower seed oils. Looks good, eh? Banana is a bit of a craze ingredient at the moment so I was happy to get a chance to try something with it in. Apparently, it has a perfectly balanced concentration of antioxidants, vitamin E and Omega 9 which neutralises free radicals and helps preserve skin’s elasticity and moisture content. So there, now you know.
The oil is a very pale golden colour, no wonder with the ingredients, and smells wonderful. Not a hint of banana for those of you wondering!
The oil is housed in a glass bottle with a pump dispenser. Great idea as I have a tendency of spilling. The pump dispenses a good amount of oil but it can be a bit spluttery, its no major issue really.

I use the oil in the morning after showing and apply to my arms and legs. My hopes for instant absorption were high and I wasn't disappointed; I can get dressed as quickly as I like now with skin that is so beautifully soft. Even during the hot muggy mornings, my skin welcomes the moisture boost without the oil sitting on top being rejected.

 While I love the oil and I really, really do I have to be honest and say I'm not sure I would buy it myself. This is purely a cost thing- £26 for 50ml is just something I wouldn't be able to justify spending. I've had the oil for about 4 weeks and used it every morning but found that after 2 weeks, I was half way through the bottle. Since then I've been using it every other day to make it last. It will stay on my wishlist though for birthdays and Christmas and hopefully I'll get to use it again one day. Until then, I'm weaning myself off with limited use.

Thank you again to ABW for their generosity!

Have you tried anything with green banana in yet? Which body oils do you use?

*Competition win.

1 comment

  1. Ahh I wish I picked up this one now instead of the shimmering one as its too glittery for me. It is pricey though but congrats on winning it :D x


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