Friday, 7 March 2014

Going Green Tag

Rachel of All Natural Aspirations created this Going Green tag, which is a fantastic way of getting to know others in our Green Blogging community. Such a brilliant idea, Rachael!

1. What started it all off for you?
A trip to Neal's Yard Remedies! (now can you see why I love them so much?). I remember looking at everything in the shop - picking things up and putting them down again, sampling all the creams and sniffing all the lotions. The labels on the bottles have a list of products that are not included - No Parabens, No Mineral Oils, No DEA - that kind of thing. During this time, a family member was diagnosed with breast cancer and once I started looking at the ingredients that NYR avoids, I really started to worry about what I was using. The links between chemicals used in cosmetics and cancers frightens me.

2. What was the first thing to go? (Ingredient or product)
Parabens and mineral oils. The thought of using Vaseline now makes me feel ill and when I see family &  friends using it I beg with them to change! I can't believe I used to go through tins of the stuff. Yuk. 
Parabens went out next - not as easy to do without chucking or giving away a load of things so this was a bit more gradual phasing out. Didn't take long though as I didn't have a stash of products like I do now!

3. What are you/did you struggle to let go of?
My Naked 2 palette! I love it. I really should let go of it though but I just don't want to! The colours are brilliant - from a simple daytime look to a dramatic eye for a night out. It does everything.

4. What has been your best find or change? (i.e a green product or a tip that you're really glad you've found/learnt)

Coconut Oil - such a simple thing but it does everything I want. I use it to remove make up, as a cleanser, facial moisturiser, lip balm, hand & nail cream, hair mask, body lotion, foot cream and anything else I can think of. It is so versatile; even my cats love it!  

5. What has been the worst thing about going green? What has been the hardest to transition or find an adequate green replacement of?
Deodorant and shampoo & conditioner. I struggled for a couple of years with finding a natural alternative to Dove deodorant but it had to go. I'm currently using Salt of the Earth's classic deodorant and it is the best I've used - lasts for months & months too.
I'm still searching for a good quality, natural (reasonable priced!) shampoo & conditioner, if you have any suggestions let me know!

6. Anything else to add? Any tips or tricks to pass on?
I have oily/combination skin and had always stayed away from using facial oils but finding the right one can do wonders for your skin.
My favourite is bodhi's Neroli Luce - it has totally transformed my skin.

I tag anyone who would like to do this! Please let me know if you do as I would love to read your answers.


  1. Hey Jen, I too am going to find it hard giving up urban decay. I think I am in actual relationship with the original Naked palette and because knew this they got me the other two as present over the years. I'm not going to give them away, I'm just going to use them up and find an alternative..... if I can. it's going to be a tough break up! xx

    1. It is hard to let go! I did see a post recently about a vegan UDNaked 3 dupe which I keep meaning to try out. Not sure how clean the ingredients are yet but will have to investigate! x

  2. Hey we have something in common: NYR! I started green skincare after becoming a consultant for them haha :) I actually just bought their coconut oil too that was just released today :) I hate when my friends use Vaseline as well and one of them even knew that it doesn't actually moisturise but still used it! I haven't got rid of my Naked palette I have too many pretty colours left to just give it away :( Neroli Luce has made my skin 10x better too :) xx

    1. I'm just about to start of a 500g jar of Viridian Raw Coconut Oil so I won't need to get another one for a about 9 months! I just don't understand why people use Vaseline - the mind boggles. xx

  3. Really enjoyed having a read of this, I'm slowly trying to get more clued up and aware of ingredients and the brands I'm using I recently bought salt of the earth deodorant too I was so apprehensive but it works so well for me! The facial oil you mention sounds brilliant I have combo skin and have noticed such a difference since introducing facial oils x

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed reading this :) I love the salt of the earth deo - it was effect enough that even after a mega spinning class followed by a zumba session this deo kept me fresh! x

  4. Great answers! Parabens were the first thing to go for me too. I have to agree that the hardest part of going green is finding a good shampoo/conditioner and deodorant!

    1. Thanks Amber! I think I'm sorted with my deodorant now though :) As for the shampoo, I've been trying out a Odylique shampoo which I have to say has pretty much knocked my socks off. I've only been using it a few weeks so don't want to jinx it just yet but I will do a full review soon x

  5. Interesting tag! It's nice reading the story behind why people go green. I think I'm doing ok in terms of skincare, but I can't let go of makeup in multi-colour (oh dear). I also struggle to find a good natural shampoo. The ones I've tried so far never seem to wash my hair properly! I've heard a few good things about the brand Klorane, which is on my "to try list!" x

    1. I haven't heard of Klorane but after a quick Google, I don't think I would be happy to use the shampoo - SLS, EDTA and the ominous Fragerance(Parfum).
      Lily Lolo do some really lovely multi-coloured eye shadows, both pressed and mineral, that have great pigmentation. Have you tried them before? x

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