Wednesday, 26 March 2014

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I'm a bit late publishing this as I was away from home last week but better late than never, right?

I'm was so happy to be nominated for this Very Inspiring Blogger Award by Annie over at Hello Purple Clouds. Annie's blog is one that I have read pretty much from the start and I love it. I feel that we like similar things so whenever I see something new on her blog, I often go and have a look for myself!
Another Annie nominated me last week, this time from the great Small But Mighty Redhead. I'm sure people must have been running out of people to nominate for me to have nominated twice!
Thanks ladies :)

The Award Rules ......
1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
2. Display the award on your blog sidebar or awards page.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Nominate about 15 other bloggers for the award.
5. Let your chosen bloggers know they have been nominated and link to your post.

7 Things About Me ......

1. I have a fear of dolphins

2. I love tennis. I don't play it, I'm not coordinated enough for that but whenever the big tournaments come around I'll be glued to the box for weeks on end.

3. I spent three years assisting the set up of a specialist Further Education College for young people with Autistic Spectrum Conditions/Asperger Syndrome in South Wales. It meant a 3 hour round trip daily - I've moved on now but the College is still thriving.

4. I love music but am ashamed to say that I'm a bit of a snob about it! I have an eclectic taste but if I don't like something, there is no changing my mind.

5. My cat Friday is just the best thing. She's a perfect reflection of me in cat form - fiercely independent, loves to sleep, stubborn and affectionate (on our own terms!)

6. My husband and I keen cooks and love to experiment. I love long weekends where we spend all afternoon in the kitchen cooking up a storm.

7. I'm a total sucker for period dramas.

Thank you again to Annie and Annie for nominating me! I hope you enjoyed finding out a bit more about me.

I'm sure my nominations will have already been nominated but I wanted to shout them out again.
Tania - Bow Tied Beauty
Annie - Hello Purple Clouds
Sarah - Sugarpuffish
Sandra - Beauty Balm
Ana - Ana Goes Green
Hephzibah - Good for Me, Good for You


  1. Loved reading this post, good to know we have our dolphin fear in common haha! x

    1. Haha yay! People think its so strange but its a real phobia! x

  2. You & Tania are just weird with your fear of dolphins ;-) Thank you for the nomination x

    1. I love your blog, so of course I was going to nominate you! x

  3. Wow loved your facts I have worked with young people/children with complex needs for years now so I loved hearing about the college. what a big commitment and how fantastic of you to travel so far! Thank you for the nomination :) Xx

  4. Dolphins??? That's a strange one lol Love your cats name :) Great facts loved reading them - I'm a sucker for period drama too xx

  5. Loved learning more about you! Although, I have never heard of people being afraid of dolphins! hahaha


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