Saturday, 28 December 2013


About a week ago, there was a Twitter conversation between a few bloggers about taking part in a spending ban during January - No Buy January was born and Paula from Naturally Paula quickly posted some suggested guidelines and a list of those taking part.

In the run up to Christmas, I stopped buying anything new as I knew that I had quite a few items on my wishlist and a whole load of products (mainly samples) to use up. I joined No Buy January both for support (who can resist January sales) and to get some ideas for posts during this time. 

So far we have the following guidelines (to read Pauls's full post click here)

Basically no buy, means no purchases of any kind in the cosmetics/beauty/personal care ranges with these possible exceptions:

Subscription boxes: a lot of us subscribe to these monthly/quarterly beauty/eco boxes.  In some cases it is already too late to cancel.

Run completely out of an item during the no-buy month: if you completely empty an item, then you should show the empty item prior to the repurchase (no secret stashes as this helps no one).

For those blogger/readers who have been on no-buy for months already: propose to allow a "treat" purchase for those individuals as they have already been doing what we aspire to do.

PR samples: if you receive a PR sample during no-buy month, full disclosure of said PR item as it should always be.  It is up to each individual blogger if they will accept PR samples during the no-buy month. 

. I already have a subscription to SoukSouk so I will keep this running for the month. Everything else is a no go.
I'll be starting January by exposing my current stash of items and I'll go from there.

Good Luck to all taking part - I look forward to reading about your progress x


  1. I'm excited to get started. I look forward to your 1st blog post. Thinking Jan. 3rd for the 1st post?

    1. Sounds good Paula. I'll keep a check in on your blog post and see what I need to write about :)

  2. Really looking forward to taking part in this. I am hopeless at spending bans so it will help a lot to know I'm not the only one! x

    1. I'm usually really rubbish as well but when I looked at my 'collection' I knew I had to stop buying anything new! I might even had to extend beyond January with the ton of stuff I got for Christmas but we'll see! Looking forward to seeing how you get on x

  3. Looking forward to this! I've been following the frugal way of life for the last couple of months, so it'll be fab to share it with everyone else - much easier with group power!! :-) x

    1. Much much easier with group power! It'll be great to see what everyone has stashed away haha x


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