Thursday, 19 December 2013

Green Beauty Characters Tag

I saw this on Amber's Beauty Talk a couple of weeks ago and decided that I would give it a whirl.The tag was created by Sonja over at Life in Blush and you can read Amber's answers to the tag here.

On my nightstand you’ll find: Lip balm, hand cream, a book, music, glass of water and tablets. See my post here. Essentials for an end of the day/easy wake up routine.

The literary character I'm most like is:  According to this quiz I'm Hermione from Harry Potter. I am smart, witty and love a challenge. This made me chuckle a bit - mostly because I have mad hair like Hermione did at the beginning.

I'm currently obsessed with: SoukSouk boxes. I joined up in July and every month I get a box of goodies to my front door for a really reasonable price. I've been able to sample so many different brands, brands that I have not even heard of. It's a great scheme and one I will be part of for a very long time.

My favourite superhero is: Hmmm - Batman or Iron Man. Men with money rather than radioactive spiders or super powers.

Favourite beauty product of 2013: I've tried so many amazing things this year but I think I have to say NYR Wild Rose Beauty Balm. It has made a real difference to my skin and is such a good multitasker.

If I could have dinner with anyone dead or alive it would be: All the people I have lost - either from falling out of touch or those important people who have passed on. My Grandma passed away earlier this year and I feel like I only ever knew her as "Grandma" rather than as a individual and a woman.

Winter is coming – how do you prep your skin for battle? Balms and oils. My evening skincare routine is taking longer as I really want to be able to give my skin back what it has lost during the day with cold winds and central heating. Its a really soothing process.

My perfect date night makeup consists of: I'm not a big makeup wearer so I usually just exaggerate my day time look. This means a shimmery neutral eye shadow with a bit of shading, thick black cats eyes, a couple of coats of mascara, a bit of blusher and a slick of lipstick. Ready to go!

My go-to skin-beautifying snack/drink is: Water water water. 

My TV boyfriend is: 

Jonny Lee Miller - in anything! He is a fantastic actor and a total babe; currently in Elementary as Sherlock Homles but my favourite as Mr Knightly from Jane Austen's Emma. 

If my evening clutch could only hold one beauty item it would be: Some kind of lip colour - tint, stain, gloss, stick, balm - something to keep those lips looking good all night.

One beauty tip I would pass on to my fictional daughter is: Drink plenty of water. It will flush out a lot of those nasties and keep your brain focused. 

The most nostalgic item from my childhood is: It's been great putting the Christmas tree up as I get out all my old ornaments from when I was a child. My favourites are an egg that my Mum decorated when I was about 7 and a little tubby angle. The bring back so many good memories.

My favourite TV show of the moment is: Elementary on Sky Atlantic. The Tunnel, also on SA, is a very close second. I'm a total dork really, but Doctor Who is a Big Deal in my family so we always watch it and I can't wait for the Christmas Day episode. Bye Bye Matt Smith.

My favourite quote is: "Experience is merely the name men gave to their mistakes" Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

I'm not going to tag anyone specifically but do take part if you would like! Let me know in the comments section if you post about it :)

House Rules:

1. Be sure to tag others
2. Title your article in the same way
3. Mention that this originated on


  1. Lovely post, great to get to know you more... I've nominated you for a Liebster Award :-)

    1. Oooh thanks! I'll have a look at your link now :D x

  2. Loved reading your answers! Thanks for tagging mine :) Jonny Lee Miller is in Dexter as a sex abuser so when I saw him in Elementary when my family were watching it, it was so weird because hes a happy British man in that hah!

    1. I know - I remember thinking at the time that I shouldn't be attracted to him in Dexter! x

  3. Hello fellow "Hermione" ;-) I also liked doing this tag. I really enjoyed reading your answers and your tv boyfriend is looking good ;) x

    1. Thanks Liz! I'm glad you liked reading mine :) It's always a bit weird writing about yourself rather than a product, isn't it?! x


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