Sunday, 29 March 2015

Review: Viridian Nutrition Suppliments for Sports

This is really a post for a different time BUT I'll start with a little intro.
In the last year I've lost 5 stone. I've developed a whole new relationship with my body. I've fallen in love with exercise and that horrid, gross, red-faced but satisfied feeling when I've achieved something that I wouldn't have been able to a year ago.

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Mini Review: Fushi Organic Hydrating Lip Balm

We all love a good lip balm - the super light day ones to the thick, paste-like night ones. There are soooo many to choose from that I have to control myself sometimes or I just end up opening and half using about 10 different ones at any time! But I take comfort in the fact that it's not just me that does this.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Review: Green People Age Defy DD Cream

Green People, Age Defy, DD Cream

Today I'm reviewing a new addition to the Green People range - the UK's first certified Organic DD Cream*. 
A lightweight  Daily Defence tinted moisturiser that fights blemishes, has an SPF 15 to defend the skin, colour corrects AND has anti-ageing actions. Basically I had to give it a go and was so quick when replying to Naturisimo that I think I gave them whiplash.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Wellbeing: Gratitude #1

I've been inspired by Liz from Well Meaning Being's Weekly Gratitude series and I think this would be a perfect way for me to take a few moments out of my busy schedule to reflect and really appreciate what I have.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Review: Rossi Skincare

I came across Rossi Skincare on Twitter - wonderful Twitter!- and was very kindly sent a couple of products to review.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Gorgeously Green Gathering

After a couple of weeks of crafty tweets and the start of the #gorgeouslygreengathering hashtag, it may not surprise some of you to learn that Sarah (Sugarpuffish), Rach (All Natural Aspirations) and I are looking to organise an event in September but... we need your input!

On Instagram

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