Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Who needs three hand creams?

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has more than one hand cream on the go at any one point. 
I never used to be a big hand-cream-user but over the last year or so I've notice the skin on my hands drying out more than before so I've taken up hand creams and never looked back!

I've got three on the go at the moment. I keep Nourish Protect Smoothing Hand Lotion at work, Yes To Carrots Nourishing Intense Repair Hand Cream by my bed and Apivita Moisturising Hand Cream with Aloe and Honey in my handbag.

Nourish Protect Smoothing Hand Lotion £12 for 100ml- I received this in a SoukSouk box (September?) last year. Initially I thought it was too light to really work for me at home so I brought it into work where it has stayed, faithfully, by my side ever since. 
This is a light lotion that absorbs really quickly, perfect for applying and then quickly turning back to the keyboard. It has a gorgeous scent, orange and mandarin, that I've found uplifting to my mood.
I'm almost at the end of this now; it's gotten to that spluttering stage as the pump tries to find the last dregs of lotion to dispense! I'd quite happily buy this again. 

Yes To Carrots Nourishing Intense Softening Hand Cream £7.99 for 85g - This was a Christmas pressie from my neice and her husband. I've reviewed the Exfoliating Body Scrub and Body Butter here. This lives on my bedside table and is used as part of my bedtime routine. It's a rich cream that takes longer to absorb but because of this it works at a deeper lever, really nourishing my hands from within rather than just on the surface. I've got quite a lot left of this so I won't be looking for a replacement any time soon.

Apivita Moisturising Hand Cream with Aloe and Honey £7 for 50ml - My handbag cream. It's light, fresh and well, actually kinda runny. It takes a bit of time to soak in and I find it sometimes leaves me with sticky hands. This isn't a problem if I'm sat at the cinema but really is if I'm about to drive or eat! 
I won't be buying this again, even though it smells lush! I've probably got a couple of months of use left in it so once that's gone I'll be moving on.

What hand creams do you use? What would you recommend?


  1. They sound great, especially the Nourish one! :) x

    1. The Nourish one is my favourite, without a doubt! x

  2. I am sorry to say I think I have more than three on the go, I open them and then forget about them, really should use hand cream more you have some nice choices :) Xx

    1. Ha ha I thought this would be the case. I saw a post on Beauty Balm where she had about 15, easily! xx

  3. Nice post miss! always on the hunt for a good hand cream :-).x

    1. Thanks hun :) What are you using at the moment? x

  4. I have a sample of the puppy galore hand cream and it smells divine! I keep toying with the idea of buying the full size version then chickening out cos of the price! Lol. Thanks for the great reviews, I am really intrigued by the yes-to range especially as it is quite accessible, you can buy it in a few shops.
    Rach xx

    1. I really loved that Peppy Galore hand cream and it's still sat on my wishlist ready for a buy when I run out of everything! The Yes-To range is just about to launch in Boots, which is good xx

  5. Good post Jen, you are not alone in your hand cream indulgence. I love the Nourish one too but haven't tried either of the others yet so thanks for sharing your thoughts x

    1. Thanks Annie. I'd quite happily try the other Nourish hand creams, I think there are a few others xx

  6. You know I have an even worse addiction ;) I must use mine up and stop buying more! x

    1. I saw you photo last week and my eyes almost popped out of my head! I love your stash :) xx

  7. I always have several hand creams on the go at once, currently record is 4 but I haven't tried any of these *adds to shopping list*

    1. Ha ha! Let me know if you get any of them :)

  8. Great post Jen! I used up my beloved Primavera Ginger & Lime handcream and now I realize that I don't have any handcreams left haha. So your post came in really handy :) Since I'm more into "zesty" flavors, I think I'll go for Nourish! xx

    1. Oooh, I've not heard of the Primavera one but I will have a look now! I love the Nourish one x

  9. I have lots of hand creams. I love the Nourish for good hand days x

    1. I'm glad you love the Nourish one too :) x


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