Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Review: Fresh Therapies Eden - A Natural Nail Polish Remover?

I was recently contacted by Tracy from VertPR to see if I would be interested in reviewing Fresh Therapies Eden Nail Polish Remover*.

Fresh Therapies is an Award Winning natural, vegan nail polish remover and in March was published in The Ultimate Natural Beauty Bible, scoring the highest mark for a nail polish remover with an amazing 8.69 out of 10. 
The remover is crystal clear and is made from "biodegradable food grade and plant-based ingredients that are non­ toxic and non-carcinogenic, making it safe for children, pregnant women and those undergoing treatment for illness" 
It has a wonderful lime fragrance which is such a pleasant experience after using regular headache inducing ones for years. 

I'll be honest, I have used the sample service from Fresh Therapies before (99p for a sample!) but I made the mistake of trying to remove layer upon layer of red polish in the same way I would with 'normal' remover - up, down, around and around. Well - this didn't work out so well for me. I ended up with stained red fingertips; not a good look!

Please don't be put off by my foolish first experience though!
Since receiving some more of the remover, I've had to re-train myself on how to remove my nail polish.
I've found this remover requires a more gentle touch- soak a cotton pad in the remover and let it rest of the nail for a few moments to allow the product to work through all layers of polish, before slowly working the pad around the nail to make sure all your polish has gone. Considering I'm usually a bit more gung-ho when using a remover, I just had to learn to slow it down!

The remover itself is packaged in a sleek 50ml glass bottle so you can see just how clear it is! I think they look really chic, rather than the conventional plastic bottles that live in the bathroom cabinet. 

Eden Natural Nail Polish Remover works. Sure, it takes longer than the average but think about what your are trading in. Toxic chemical vs a bit of time? For me, it's a no brainer.

You can buy Fresh Therapies Eden Nail Polish Remover for £8.99 directly from their website here , from LoveLula here or Sophia's Choice here.

Have you tried Eden Nail Polish Remover before?

*This product was sent to me for review. All opinions are my own, based on my experience.


  1. Interesting post Jen. I don't use nail polish, in part because I hate the harsh chemicals in the removers which always have a detrimental effect on my nails. Great to hear about an effective, more natural solution. Thanks for sharing x

    1. I love painting my nails but stopped doing it as much as I've transitioned to natural products. I still don't do it as often as I used to but its good to know there are other choices when picking a remover x

  2. Sounds like a great product and definitely a nicer scent than regular polish removers! I use Zoya at the moment, but it seems to leave my nails a bit worse for wear, so I'll be sure to have a look at this x

    1. I've not used any Zoya polishes (or removers) before but they have a great range of colours that I always look at! THe 99p sample service is a great way to try it out too x

  3. It sounds lovely, but for the price I think I'd prefer Priti NYC. It's also biodegradable and non toxic, but it works incredibly well for a more natural nail polish remover. I would say it works better than conventional removers in fact! The only problem with natural nail polish removers is they're so expensive compared to conventional ones that I don't think they'll make it into the mainstream any time soon! I was hoping this would be a bit cheaper than the Priti NYC one, but that retails at £10 so there isn't much difference! I would recommend trying it though if you liked this one from FreshTherapies :)

    1. I've just had a look on and they sell the Priti NYC polish remover for under £5! Might be worth looking at, especially as all Priti NYC polishes are currently half price! x

  4. I haven't tried this but it does sound lovely! A bit pricey but I think it would be worth it to avoid the toxicity of regular removers!

    1. Give the sample service a try and see if you like it :) x

  5. I avoided using nail polish over the winter, to avoid both the chemicals in the nail polish and the remover. Now that it's getting nice outside though I will definitely want to paint my toe nails so I might have to try this more natural remover or the Priti NYC one that Chesca recommends! x

    1. I have to have my toe nails painted in the spring/summer. I hate the way naked toe nails look - brrrr. Yuk! Hope you find a remover that you are happy with! x

  6. I discovered this back in 2012 through the Free From Skincare Awards and I've had it in my collection ever since and repurchased a couple of times, thumbs up from me :-)

    1. That's high praise indeed! Glad you like using it too x

  7. I really like this, I have tried a sample too and it was effective - plus I really liked the scent! :)

    1. The scent is a total bonus, zingy and fresh lime :) x


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