Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Review: Lush - Helping Hands

Today I will be reviewing a hand cream from Lush - Helping Hands

Lush was one of the first companies that I went over to on my quest for cleaner skincare and used them throughout my teens. Although I very rarely buy their products anymore due to their use of parabens, I did have a Helping Hands given to me for my birthday earlier in the year. 
This cream was developed for nurses and people who have to wash their hands a lot and consequently have really dry skin.

The main ingredients listed in this cream are almond oil, shea butter, coconut butter and chamomile water. Other ingredients include linseed mucilage (to keep the skin soft and minimise cracking), honey (moisturising and soothing on cuts), lavender oil and African marigold oil. 

The cream itself is very pleasant to smell, thanks to the lavender, honey, almond and coconut butter, and is pale pink in colour. I found the cream to be light to use however it simply does not suit my skin. I don't have dry hands and after a few goes found that the cream just sat on the surface of my skin. I would leave sticky fingerprints in my wake like a crumb trail in a fairytale. 

I have, however, been using it as nightly moisture for my feet! I don't know about anyone else but this lovely summer has meant wearing sandals and going bare foot which equals for me dry heels. Even though the skin is dryer on my feet, I still only needed to use an almond size amount for each foot to sufficiently cover the areas that most needed moisture. My feet have felt better since using the cream and can see that it would really help those with over-washed hands.

Helping Hands can be bought from the Lush website here for £7.50 for a 100g pot.

Overall I wouldn't use this product again (although I will finish the pot!). While I appreciate and support Lush's values regarding recycling (take back any 5 empty full sized pots and get a face mask free) animal cruelty, use of palm oil and their current media campaign to support gay rights, I still don't understand why they use parabens as a preservative.

Have you tried Helping Hands? What do you think about Lush and their use of parabens?

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