Saturday, 17 December 2016

#PanicSaturday Gifts

It's the last Saturday for online shopping that will get your orders to you before Christmas, so I thought I'd share just a few last minute gifts... be it secret Santa or the "oh pants, I forgot to get something for so-and-so" presents.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Review: Kimberly Sayer Ultra Light Facial Moisturiser SPF30

I know that summer is over and so people may not think that they still need to wear an SPF but it is still SO IMPORTANT to keep your skin protected from the rays, even the ones you can't see.

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Love Lula Beauty Box - October 2016

I'm a bit late posting this one but I'm assuming you'll forgive me, I did just give birth after all!
Below you'll find everything your need to know about October's Beauty Box* from LoveLula.
(Let's not forget you can get these boxes from just £12.50!)

Monday, 3 October 2016

Review: MotherlyLove

Footloose, Massage Oil, Due Date, Pulse Point

I was recently introduced to MotherlyLove, an exciting range of 100% pure natural oils created by Jan - a midwife and aromatherapist.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Review: Odylique Repair Lotion

I'd been looking for a lotion that would help me out with my ever growing baby bump, when I remembered that Odylique do a fab range of products for itchy skin.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Gorgeously Green Gathering 2016 - A Round Up

Another year, another incredible Gorgeously Green event (even if I do say so myself!).

Sarah (SugarPuffish) and I came away from last year and within a couple of weeks, had already booked the date and venue for 2016. There was such a wonderful response to the 2015 event that we felt we had to capture that momentum and start planning extra early for 2016.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Love Lula Beauty Box - September Edition

I was sent this fab Beauty Box* from LoveLula at the end of last week and am really happy with it.
The box retails at £12.50 per month which I think is really good value for money considering what's inside.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

What's In My Hospital Wash Kit?

PHB Ethical Beauty, Travel Size, Samples,

Time seems to be creeping up on me and all of a sudden I'm 6 weeks away from my due date!
I've slowly been packing my hospital bag but hadn't really given much thought as to what I'd pack for my first shower after giving birth (apparently, it's the best shower of your life!) but knew I wanted to take travel sized to cut down on the size of my bag.

Monday, 11 July 2016

Gorgeously Green 2016: TICKETS NOW ON SALE

It's time to start buying your tickets for Gorgeously Green 2016. Here's all the information we think you need but if you have any questions please do email us.

Friday, 1 July 2016

Announcement: Gorgeously Green 2016

Gorgeously Green, Event, Beauty, Natural

Welcome back, readers. I'm sorry that I've not been very active over the last few months - for those of you that don't know, I'm expecting my first child in October so have been focusing on that and not finding much time for other things! I hope to have a bit more presence over the coming months, so keep an eye out.

Friday, 26 February 2016

Reivew: Queen Tea Detox Bath Teas

Queen Tea are launching their new Detox Boxes TODAY and I've been lucky enough to have been testing one for the last couple of weeks.

Friday, 19 February 2016

How I Muddled Through a Horrible Virus with Viridian

Back at the end of January I was really, really sick.
What started off as a sore throat and a cold (which I thought I'd be able to just get over) actually turned out to be Tonsillitis and because I didn't get that treated, the infection spread into my chest and ears. I found this out after struggling for two weeks, getting worse each day and not better, before I sucked it up and went to the Doctors. Thank God for Penicillin.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Review: Living Nature Liquid Foundation

Today I'm going to try and review a foundation for you.
It's not something I've done before so I'm a little anxious. Getting the right shade foundation is a pain in the butt - I'm pale with pink and yellow undertones and then I have wonderfully red cheeks.

Monday, 8 February 2016

Review: Mount Purious Lavender Massage Oil

With Valentines Day around the corner, I'd like to review a wonderful Massage Oil from Mount Purious* for you.

Friday, 22 January 2016

The Rose Tree Giveaway!

Today I've very excited to be able to share an incredibly generous giveaway from luxury organic skincare brand The Rose Tree.

Friday, 15 January 2016

Review: The Primal Pantry Bars

There is no denying it, I'm a snacker. One of my desk draws is packed with bits of this and that to keep me fuelled during the day and I *usually* make pretty good choices but sometimes I need something a bit sweeter.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Review: Botanicals Balancing Detox Mask

I've been trying out this lovely Green Clay & Avocado Balancing face mask from Botanicals* for a few weeks now.

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