Friday, 1 July 2016

Announcement: Gorgeously Green 2016

Gorgeously Green, Event, Beauty, Natural

Welcome back, readers. I'm sorry that I've not been very active over the last few months - for those of you that don't know, I'm expecting my first child in October so have been focusing on that and not finding much time for other things! I hope to have a bit more presence over the coming months, so keep an eye out.

One of the things I have been busy with is helping Sarah organise this year's Gorgeously Green event! I'm really excited to be able to bring your more information, so read on to find out more...

When & Where
9:30am - 5pm on Sunday 11th September 2016 at Village Hotel, Farnborough

Farnborough is 5 minutes from the M3 (Junction 4) and there is free parking at the venue. If you are travelling by train, it's about 35 mins from Waterloo to Farnborough (Main) and the station is 5 mins from the hotel (about 1 mile)

Presentations & Networking
The day will be divided into 5 segments; we have 4 fantastic brands who will be delivering presentations and hosting Q&A sessions, with the last part of the day dedicated to networking in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. So come and join us to learn more about some awesome brands, find out more about those you love, and be introduced to some new favourites!

Our Gorgeous Speakers are
Carly Hooper - Beeutiful
Laura Rudoe - Evolve Organic Beauty
Joanna White - Mallow + White
Alessandra De Gregorio - Terre Verdi

Gorgeously Green is Sponsored by Totally Organic, home of the purest, most effective certified organic beauty products available. Grace Collier will be attending our event and will be on hand to answer questions and join the networking session.

On sale 11th July and we have an Early Bird Offer for you. From 11th - 25th July tickets will cost £15, after this time they increase to £20. The ticket price includes unlimited refreshments and snacks throughout the day plus a buffet lunch. Information on purchasing a ticket will follow shortly.
If you have specific dietary requirements we will discuss this with you on an individual basis when you purchase a ticket. 

Spread the word
Follow us on Twitter @GGGathering #GG2016
Join our mailing list.
Email us


  1. Congrats on your pregnancy! :-) x

  2. So excited for this, can't wait to see you and bump! x


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