Monday, 8 February 2016

Review: Mount Purious Lavender Massage Oil

With Valentines Day around the corner, I'd like to review a wonderful Massage Oil from Mount Purious* for you.
I first came across Chris, who founded both Mount Purious and Good Day Organics, at the Love Natural Love Organic show last July. I'll admit that what caught my attention initially was actually a Beard Oil! No no, not for me (thanks!) but for my other half. I came home, raved about it and he bought it. You can read the review here. Now I frequently send fellas to Chris for their beard oils!

Chris kindly sent me over the newly launched Massage Oil in Lavender (you can also get an Unscented version) in time for Valentines Day to share with you.

The oil (like all Mount Purious oils) are Soil Association certified. Sweet Almond Oil and Lavender Essential Oil are the two ingredients which make this massage oil 100% organic.

"Mount Purious. Lavender Massage Oil has a composition which slowly soaks into the skin providing enough time to deeply massage the skin and muscles. Our Massage Oil is high in Vitamins A, B, D, E as well as potassium and magnesium, these vitamins and minerals also deeply moisturise dry, tired skin making for one fantastic feeling massage."  

Sweet almond oil is a massage base staple for a reason; its wonderful to work with and leaves the skin silky smooth. The added Lavender oil works so well to calm and relax, perfect for a Valentines Day Massage.

This would make a great gift for any time of the year!

Take a look at the range here.

*PR Sample

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