Monday, 11 May 2015

Kiss & Make-Up Discovery Box from Naturisimo

I feel really guilty posting about something that has pretty much been out of stock since it launched last week BUT it's not hard to see why it flew off the shelves.

Naturisimo are really nailing it at the moment with their Discovery Boxes and this one, titled Kiss & Make Up*, is another winner.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Gorgeously Green Gathering: Meet The Brands - Bodhi & Birch

Welcome back for another of our Meet The Brand posts; a series which helps you learn more about the brands speaking at the Gorgeously Green Gathering.
So far we have spoken to our two sponsors - Rachel has introduced us to Kim from Botanical Brands and Sarah presented Olga from The Rose Tree.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Reciew: Mary Elizabeth Natural Skincare

I was recently sent a couple of lovely products from British brand Mary Elizabeth.
Mary Elizabeth is powered by a Mother Daughter duo, Cecilia and Claire, and was created after Cecilia was diagnosed with skin cancer in 2010. 
They sell a small, but perfectly formed (and award winning!) range of multi-purpose products with the aim "to simplify the skincare regime of busy women who live a healthy lifestyle...".

Monday, 4 May 2015

Review: Bloom Remedies Deep Release Range

I recently treated myself to a little pre-birthday gift from Bloom Remedies as I'd had my eye on Marie's Deep Release aromatherapy blends for a while but had a bit of a stash so didn't want to buy until I'd finished what I had. Mid-March I finally finished my bath stash and I was on the Bloom Remedies website quick sharp.

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