Monday, 29 September 2014

Review: Trilogy Everything Balm

Regular readers of mine will know how much I love a multi-use product so It should come as no surprise to you that I got my hands on Trilogy Everything Balm!

Thursday, 25 September 2014

September Empties

Usually I'm about a week late when it comes to showcasing my empties but as I'm away for the next week and a bit, I thought I'd get it up before I go.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Review: Living Nature Vitalising Exfoliating Peel

I used up the last of my face mask stash last month so knew that I'd be picking a new one for my My Pure post this month. After a good old trawl through the website, I picked Living Nature Vitalising Exfoliating Peel*.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Review: M&J London English Summer Candle

My birthday was way back in March and as part of a wishlist I prepared, I said that I would love to open  up a candle - English Summer by M&J London* to be precise.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Organic Beauty Week with Pinks Boutique Try Me Set - Lemongrass Facial

I'd not tried anything from Pinks Boutique before, so when I received an email asking if I'd like to pick a "Try Me Set" of some of their products, I jumped.
I picked the Lemongrass Facial* set as it sounded ideal for my oily/combination skin.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

August Empties

Only a week late with this one but here are last months empties!

Monday, 8 September 2014

Review: Green People Cell Enrich Facial Oil

At the end of July, the lovely folks over at Green People asked me if I would like to try out their award winning (Gold award winner in the Best Oils & Serums category in the Free From Awards, dontcha know!) Age Defy+ Cell Enrich Facial Oil*.

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