Monday, 10 November 2014

Review: Lippy Girl Vegocentric Vegan Lip Stick in Rosey Posey

Lippy Girl was launched by Darcy Diehl in Canada after becoming frustrated with the lack of organic, eco-friendly and animal friendly beauty products available. Their vision is..
... to be more than a makeup company: we aim to be a makeup movement.  Our products prove that chemicals, animal additives and testing are not required and are completely unnecessary for the generation of top quality makeup. 

Lippy Girl have a line for lips, face and eyes but today I'm writing about Vegocentric Vegan Lipstick in Rosey Posey*.
Made with organic and wildcrafted natural oils and waxes, the lipstick is buttery soft on the lips providing great colour and a hit of moisture too.
The colour is very natural, enhancing my lips with a warm red that makes it a perfect "off to work" colour without being over obvious.
As the lipstick is so soft, I have to be honest and say that it doesn't have very good staying power - I find I've either forgotton I had it on after a couple of hours or have to re-apply. No hassle really but something to keep in mind.

I wanted an every day shade and with Rosey Posey. Now I have it.
They have a great range of colours - reds, browns, neutrals and a rather alarming shade of violet.
I love the look of Coral Me and Son of a Brick so may have to pick those up soon too!

You can buy the lipsticks from the Botanical Brands website here for £12.50 each.

*PR Sample.


  1. This shade looks like one I'd pick! x

    1. Its beautiful and so great for day to day x

  2. Pretty colour Jen, would be something I would lean towards if I wore lipsticks :)

    1. I'm only just venturing into lipstick territory but I thought this was a good one to pick as its so neutral!

  3. Great review Jen! The color is really lovely, thank you for the swatches :) xx

  4. I like this colour! Next on my list to try is Fancy Pants or Schmoopy I think!

    1. I loved being able to swatch the whole range in Reading, thanks! There were certainly a few that I would want to get x


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