Tuesday, 15 July 2014

My #FieldTripTour Experience & Haul

On Saturday, I found myself in natural beauty heaven. How? I was part of the #FieldTripTour organised by the brilliant blogging duo Mayah and Sabrina from Call It Vanity.

16 green bloggers travelled to London form across the UK with a very dedicated Liz from Smells Like A Green Spirit who travelled from Brussels! We were separated into two groups - Group A with Mayah at the helm and Group B with Sabrina taking the lead. 
I was in Group A along with Rach, Sarah, Hephzibah, Tania, Liz and Katie who were just the best! These girls made a great day even better.

We met in Marlybone tube station and were welcomed with delicious freshly baked vegan cupcakes which Mayah had magically baked that morning. 
Once assembled (like a group of superheroes) we hot footed it over to Content Beauty & Well Being.

I think I died and went to heaven. The shop was small but perfectly formed and full to the top with natural beauty brands. It was like a cave of wonders with floor to ceiling dark shelving packed with everything you could ever need - skincare, hair care, herbal remedies and make-up.
Special shout out to the staff who were so incredibly welcoming and who really knew what they were talking about.

I was very restrained with my purchases and just picked up...

Ilia, Intelligent Nutrients, One Love Organics

Ilia Lip Crayon in Karma Chameleon 
Intelligent Nutrients Perfect Hold Hair Spray
One Love Organics Sample Set
Glass Nail File

Content not only gave us 20% off purchases but had a goodie bag for each of us. Just look at the contents! 

Content Beauty

From Content we caught a bus across to Kensington High Street and headed for Nature & Co. 
Nature & Co had a very different vibe; it was super classy, open and breezy. We were welcomed with green tea and water which by this point was a god send as it was so very very hot out! 
I loved looking at all the Alima Pure eye shadows that were so neatly displayed and they had some incredible shades; lots of oohing and ahhing. Nautre & Co had a whole ton of brands I'd not heard of before so I had great fun trying everything I could.
What made me part with my money here though was...

Acca Kappa, Kure Bazaar

Acca Kappa Green Mandarin Eau de Cologne
Kure Bazaar in Phenomenal

I split a gift bag with Mayah and picked the John Masters Lip Balm and some hair care samples were added to my bag too.

John Masters Organics

Tummies rumbling, we walked across the road to Whole Foods Kensington where we met up with Group B. We had a bit of a job getting everyone onto one table but managed somehow! I was sat next to Liz from Well Meaning Being and she was an absolute gem. I loved chatting with her. We didn't get much chance to mingle with Group B but I was able to chat with Amber and Ana during the time we had together. Group B had already eaten so were on their way out as we were still finishing our meals.

Whole Foods was a completely different experience and one I'll be repeating as often as I can. Three floors dedicated for natural living - food, drink, booze, beauty and lifestyle goodies. There was sooo much choice that it was actually overwhelming and I didn't know where to start. I needed a few things, coconut oil, Viridian multivits and shower gel so I tried to find those first.
While in the beauty section on the lower floor, I used one of those fancy computers that do an in-depth analysis of your skin - everything from texture, sun damage and wrinkles to redness and pollution damage. It was free to do and wasn't at all as bad as I expected, in fact I scored really well and the lady running the results was very complementary. Thank you natural skincare! The one thing I scored low on was sun damage and it really shocked me. I'll be upping my facial SPF 15 to at least a SPF 25. Let me know what you use please!

Onto the purchases...

Whole Foods Kensington

Jumbo roasted and salted corn
Snapea Crisps
Love Raw Coconut & Chia organic bar
Pur Peppermint Gum
Viridian High 5 Multivitamin & Mineral
Tiana Coconut Oil
Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera Gelly
Bentley Organic Detoxifying Body Wash

Once we'd raided Whole Foods, Liz, Tania and Sarah departed for the day and the rest of us went over to Shoreditch to Beauty Mart. Beauty Mart had a great mix of high end and high street beauty but due to stocking issues, didn't hold that many natural brands. I did spy Prtty Peaushun though but by this point in the day, couldn't justify buying it. One for next time, I think!

As this was the last stop of the day, we said goodbye to our wonderful guide Mayah and went our separate ways.

I can't tell you how lucky I feel that I was able to go along to this fantastic day. Mayah and Sabrina worked their asses off to organise the trip and I just want to say a heartfelt THANKS to them again. I had the best time and I hope we can do it again!


  1. I forgot to go back for the jumbo corn, I really like those. It was great to meet and hopefully we can do it again soon :)

    1. The jumbo corn is amazing! I couldn't decide between them or the broad beans, which I also love, but the corn won in the end! Would be great to meet up again soon x

  2. Jen, it was awesome to spend the day with you! Hopefully we'll get to meet again. Very nice Whole Foods haul, I never thought pea crisps could be so tasty ;-) xx

    1. Those snapea crisps really were delish :D Hope you're full recovered from your epic journey x

  3. This trip just looked amazing!!!

    1. It was incredible :) Loved every moment x

  4. What a fantastic day for you all, sounds like big kudos are due to Mayah and Sabrina for organising such a wonderful trip. I hope to make the next meet up x

    1. The CIV girls did an outstanding job at getting everyone sorted! It would be great to meet up with you! Hopefully soon, eh? xx

  5. Such a gorgeous haul! Karma Chameleon is my absolute fave and that perfume sounds lovely xx

    1. A few of us were in Content ooohing at Karma Chameleon haha. At one point I think three of us were buying it but I have a feeling that Hephzibah picked up a different lip colour x

  6. Hah omg you even mentioned the terrible cupcakes! You know how to make a girl feel loved ;)

    It was frickin' awesome to meet you, wouldn't have been the same without you there! Til next time lady...

    Mayah x

    1. I loved the cupcake haha! It was amazing to meet you, and may I say how damn cooooooooool you looked?! You had it down ;) xx

  7. Glad you all had a great time !!! x

  8. Looks like you had a fabulous day! I have a wholefoods about an hour away and agree it is amazing! You'd love Prtty Peaushun it makes the body glow! x

    1. There is one about 40 mins away but I'd never gone (knowing the damage it would cause!) but I'll be making frequent trips there now, if only to get lunch! x

  9. Oooh what does the Green Mandarin perfume smell like? Looks like a great haul, Ilia lip crayons are the best!

    1. It smells really fresh - Orange, Neroli, Mandarin, Lemon, Petit Grain, Rosemary, Mint, Cloves, Pepper and Patchouli to be exact! Really good staying power too. What sealed the deal was that one of the first things Liz (Well Meaning Being) said to me was about how amazing I smelt. What a complement! x

  10. Wow, I didn't spot half of those items going into your bag! Really really enjoyed meeting you - look forward to seeing you again and keeping my eyes peeled for your Karma Chameleon review :) :) xx

    1. You arethe best - I'm super happy that we got on so well! Can't wait to see you again xx

  11. I really need a wholefoods in my life! Looks like you had a great day, i hope i can make it for the next one and get to meet you another time :) xx

    1. I'm sure there will be more in the future after the raging success of this one! x

  12. You got some amazing things!! It was great to meet you, hope to see you again soon :) x

    1. It really was so lovely to meet you and hit the shops together. Thanks for being our tour guide back to Liverpool St. too haha x

  13. Ooh you picked up some fab bits! I was tempted by Karma Chameleon but I have so many brights so went for Funnel of Love which is a matte peachy colour! Content were so generous and that goody bag is just amazingggggg! It was so lovely to meet you, hopefully see you in October in Reading? xx

    1. Yes! I'll be there, its in my diary and everything :) I loved Funnel of Love on you, such a lush colour. x

  14. Lovely haul! I wish we'd have whoolefoods! :) xx

  15. This trip looks amazing! I want everything that you bought! haha


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