Thursday, 19 June 2014

Shiro Cosmetics - The Seven Kingdom Collection

Back in the beginning of April, I read a post that changed my feelings towards eyeshadow. Bold statement, I know!
I'd loved my Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette but since starting my green journey, I just haven't really been impressed with anything that I've used *cough Neal's Yard Remedies cough* so actually just avoided using them all together.

I remember opening the post for the first time and looking at the photo... yes, yes that is a picture of Hodor from Game of Thrones adorning the case of a beautiful colour eyeshadow pot. And then very quickly realising that yes, there is a WHOLE RANGE of Game of Thrones inspired eyeshadows!
I somehow managed to finish reading the post before opening another tab for the brains behind the idea, Shiro Cosmetics.

Shiro Cosmetics's tag line is genius "Making nerds sparkly since 2010".
The two gals that run Shiro Cosmetics make geeky, vegan and cruelty free make up in the USA and have forever found a place in my heart (and on my eyes).

The aptly titled Seven Kingdom Collection features 15 eyeshadows inspired by GoT and currently I have 8. I love the attention to detail, from the incredible artwork on the full sized pots (2 grams for $6) to the carefully thought out names. I'm a huge GoT fan; books and the telly show and am very, very easily persuaded so it didn't take long (alright, alright it took no time whatsoever) to place an order. Or to place a second. Uhm. Or a third.

L-R Climbing Chaos, Gift of Mercy, Hodor, Little Bird

Climbing ChaosRich velvety brown with a warm metallic copper-bronze shine. This is also lip safe.
Gift of MercyBlackened plate-steel grey shot through with hints of orange fire. Lip-safe.
Hodor Medium near-matte taupe. Lip-safe.
Little Bird Delicate matte mauve/beige pink. Lip-safe.

L-R Valar Morghulis, No Men Like Me, Mother of Dragons, Master of Whispers
You can just see the cheeky little face of my puss Ember in this photo. She wanted to say hello!

Valar Morghulis - Pure black shining with metallic white overlay. 
No Men Like MeGold-burnished plate cloaked in ashy white. Lip-safe.
Mother of Dragons - Silvered royal purple over a blood-red base.
Master of WhispersSoft golden shimmer shining through pale lilac silk. Lip-safe.

The pigment is outstanding, I wasn't getting anything near the depth of colour with my UD shadows as I do with these babies. I have to use a primer first (thanks oily face) and I do find that after a day the shadows still crease but the colours are like nothing else.
You can probably tell from these shades that I'm not very adventurous and prefer to stick to more neutral tones which might be a bit boring for some of you. I would still highly recommend having a look on the site because there are some phenomenal colours there, vivid greens, teals and and shimmering blues. There is bound to be something that will appeal to you.

I now wear eyeshadow most days thanks to Hodor, Master of Whispers, No Men Like Me and Little Bird and pretty much use any excuse to shade with Mother of Dragons and Climbing Chaos. I use Gift of Mercy and Valar Morghulis as eyeliners too.

Shipping was easy peasy and took about 2 weeks as everything is made to order. I kept my orders under $20 and haven't had to pay any customs tax. I'll be going back for more!

I've not done a make-up post before so hopefully the swatches have come out well! Thought I'd give it a bash anyway! 
What do you think? Have you had a look at the site before?

Edit: I knew I would forget something and I did! These are loose mineral eyeshadows but they come with a good sifter pot which stops any spillage.  


  1. Wow! What a collection of cream shadows! ! The pigmentation looks amazing. Thanks so much for sharing :-) xx

    1. Oh I should have said, they are loose mineral not cream! I know I wouldn't get it right! x

  2. OMG! OMG! (sorry got a little over-excited there!) I want these immediately. What lovely colours and GoT inspired too -not seen the TV series but love the books. My inner nerd is screaming for these, thank you so much for sharing Jen x

    1. haha thats pretty much how I felt when I saw Katie's post featuring Hodor! I knew I HAD to have them. There are still 7 that I don't have but not for much longer! The Margaery Tyrell one is a fantastic teal colour. xx

  3. Seriously, I do not need any more eyeshadow but these may be too hard to resist! I'm loving mother of dragons, little bird, hodor, no men like me, little whispers........ pretty much all of them! which primer do you use? I'll be needing a new one soon and would love to know :) x

    1. They're beautiful, aren't they! The photos don't do them justice really, the colours are so unique!
      I've been using a Lily Lolo primer but have added The All Natural Face primer for oily lids to my next order to see what that is like x

  4. Love these!! What an amazing idea and the shades are so lovely too - great review and post Jen :) x

    1. They have ranges dedicated to different films/books/video games too which is just such a cool idea! x

  5. I've not seen GoT but I love the colours!! SO pretty and such a clever thing to sell too. I love the sparkly black shade its pretty....going back to your NYR eyeshadow experience...have you tried their mascara? I'm not loving it...xx

    1. I've not tried the NYR mascara as I'd heard it wasn't that great. Do you find it flakes off or that it doesn't build up? x

    2. I forked out for the mascara and I have to say it is rubbish! it is okay layered over my jane iredale but really it is pants. and has a weird finish!

  6. I've found you through twitter,and I adore this post!!
    Would you mind checking mine blog out,would love to hear from you!
    xoxo Antonella!

    1. Thank you so much for commenting Antonella. I love your mermaid make up post! x

  7. Oh no Jen, I knew it was a bad idea to click on this post... I totally forgot about Shiro's GoT collection when I placed my SN order. I got about 7 shadows to put together my own Naked palette. What do I do now!? *mustnotbuymustnotbuymustnotbuy

    1. I've got the SN Naked dupe palette on my wish list but at $39.99 without postage, I I'd get a heafty customs tax charge (probably as much as the actual palette!) so I'm still undecided if it'd be worth it. I really, really want it though!! x

    2. Hmm, do you need all shadows in the palette? Else just picking the ones you really like to make a smaller palette will lower the total amount? Or would it be better if you get someone on the US to order and then send it to you?

  8. I want them just beacuse of the GOT theme! :) xx

    1. I know, right!! haha They do look amazing and I love showing them off to people x

  9. Awesome post Jen!! The swatches are great, I'm particularly loving "Mother of Dragons". I'll definitely give Shiro Cosmetics a try, once I use up some of my makeup stash :) xx

    1. Mother of Dragons is very special - it looks a different colour depending on the light so can look almost lilac at times, to a brilliant purple at others. Its so beautiful x

  10. Yaaaay so glad you like them! Hodor is my absolute favourite. I'm so tempted to make another order and pick up Little Bird and Climbing Chaos. X

  11. Wow, I don't use eyeshadow at all but Little Bird has me rethinking that! The colours look absolutely lovely, all of them and that's pretty big coming from someone who VERY rarely wears if I'm going to a wedding rarely! Thanks for sharing and writing this informative post Jen, will definitely be looking into Shiro and even better that it's based around GOT!! #totalnerd

  12. lovely shades and the colour payoff is very good! x

  13. Lovely colors, they're so wearable!

  14. Gorgeous colors! I loveeeee my Shiro shadows, but I purposely have avoided looking at her newer collections. These are super tempting, but I don't think I can justify any more shadows :)


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