Friday, 3 January 2014

Exposing my Stash for #NoBuyJanuary

For my first post for #NoBuyJanuary I am going to expose my collection of built up face and skin products.
It probably doesn't look like much to some of the more experience bloggers but it is enough to have me worried about things going out of date before I use them up!

Without further ado - my stash...

I'm going to hit the sachets, samples and trail sized products first and then work through things in order of how long I have had them for.

Well that's it- I'm looking forward to seeing what you have built up stocks of!


  1. I think you have a lovely stash, you will enjoy working your way through those products :) Xx

    1. I used the Dr Hauschka Rose Body Milk this morning and loved it. I'm finding working through the face moisturisers a bit of a pain as that is what I have most of! x

  2. Nice stash! I only showed a photo of one of my stash cupboards today - I know I've got way too much stuff! Good luck with the ban x

    1. I've just seen your cupboard! That is only one?! Good luck with that! haha x

  3. oh lala, that's a lot :-))))
    My beauty products aren't that numerous :-). I tend not to switch beauty goodies to ofen :-)

    1. I guess it is a build up of beauty box samples and then a new load from Christmas! x

  4. Nice stash! Good luck with the spending ban x

    1. Thanks and you too! I'm actually doing better than I thought - 6 days in now and I have yet to be tempted but there is that Flash Sale on at A Beautiful World on Friday that will have my biting my nails! x

  5. Good luck. Is it bad to be eyeing up other people's stashes x

    1. Not at all, I love looking through what other people have! It is the best kind of window shopping x

  6. Nice stash of stuff you've got! Sounds like you have a good plan for getting through some of it :)

    1. If I can clear out my samples (for me that is anything under 30ml) this month then I will be happy. I'm on track so hopefully I'll make it x

  7. Good luck with the no buying! I think I might take a photo of my stash just to prove to myself that I don't NEED anything else aha! Still won't stop me from wanting it all though...

  8. What a stash! I'm doing #nobuyjanuary too, good luck to all of us! :)

  9. Oh wow what a stash I'm jealous, I have a couple of the balance me products on my wishlist there eye cam looks pretty good, I've always wanted to try something from the Yes too range too I've had some products on my feel unique wishlist for ages! X


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